วันเสาร์ที่ 14 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

Simple, Compound, and Complex Sentences

Simple Sentences

1.Other nations have been doing likewise.

2.Social cleavage is undeniably rocking the nation apart.

3.Certain ministers cannot even venture into a certain area in the country.

4.Tackling the economic problem is not easy.

5.Success in problem resolution will also be predicated upon the political parameter.

Compound Sentences

1.Thailand is not only faced with an economic crisis, but factually and grammatically, the nation is faced with crises and hence the problem is multi-dimensional or multifaceted.

2.Barak Obama thus not only has the support of the American people but the world nations at large for him to succeed in his economic reviving plans.

3.The scene is both worrisome and pathetic. (The scene is worrisome and the scene is pathetic.)

4.The U.S. is faced with the financial meltdown and credit crunch. (The U.S. is faced with the financial meltdown and the U.S. is faced with the credit crunch.)

5.Ironically, the giant cannot be allowed to die for it will pull down all the others with it.

Complex Sentences

1.The problem which Obama has to tackle is to bring the economy back to life and to extricate from the entanglement in Iraq and Afghanistan.

2.The primary policy of the U.S. is to revive its ailing economy so that it will go back on track and business will run as usual.

3.A business as usual in which the government can attend affairs of state is still far off.

4.While the south will welcome the Democrat ministers, the north and the northeast may protest the appearance of ministers who make a trip to the two regions.

5.But those elements are the luxury which the government does not have at this moment.


